Sites macOS Reloading

Sites macOS Reloading

Reloading Sites mac workstations for the coming Fall term using Service Provider Support.

  1. Login to the mac.

  2. Hold Command + Space to open Spotlight.

  3. Type in “service” and the rest should populate.


  4. Hit Return to launch the Service Provider Support.app.

  5. Service Provider Support will come up and under Sites on the Left side you will see tasks for Erasing and Reinstalling the OS.

  6. Press GO! under Erase and Install Monterey Systems that are unable to install Monterey have an option to reinstall the current OS.

  7. You will get a notification in the upper left that an OS is downloading after a few minutes.

  8. Once downloaded the screen will lock out as the drive is erased and reloaded.


  9. System will reboot and show an os status bar.

  10. Setup Assistant will come up letting you know that Voice Assistant is available. Once that voice stops, the screens will Auto Advance to a login screen.

    1. DO NOT click on SETUP ASSISTANT Screens, it will advance after 30 seconds.

  11. Setup Assistant will advance and then show to Remove Management screen for a while as it grabs its config.

  12. A Generic Login box will come up and software will be installing on the backend.

  13. Mac will reboot in 8 hours and then show the default UMich Login screen allowing folks to login.

Using the Monterey boot stick.

  1. Insert usb key into the back of the mac and boot holding down the Option key.

  2. Enter the EFI password into the box.

  3. Select the USB key from the list of options

  4. Click on Utilities from the menu bar and open Terminal once you get to a desktop.

  5. Type in resetpassword into Terminal and press Enter.

  6. Recovery Assistant shows up and from the upper left menu select Erase Disk.

  7. Mac will reboot after erasing the hard drive and now can be loaded with macOS on the boot stick.



Issues? Reach out to us in slack with the serial number of the troublesome macintosh.


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