Updated UMich Login Window now with M365

The login screen on MiWorkspace Mac devices updated to include a background image with a local identifier image for macOS 13 and soon macOS 14. Folks should not notice any other changes to the login process with the new screen at this time.

This update is being made to introduce some behind-the-scenes support to the MiWorkspace Mac login process in preparation for the upcoming new macOS 14 (Sonoma). It allows folks to login to a Mac anywhere it has internet.

The Microsoft 365 login screen uses your umich email address to login over the internet. (Works anywhere you are connected to the internet.)

Campus Computing Sites for students use will use the M365 as the default login screen. First time logins to a computer should use this option. Users have the option to then switch between the local image and M365 in places where they do not have internet or want to use a support account.

Systems with FileVault enabled will not see this login unless they logout as passthrough authentication is now supported on both Intel and Apple Silicon computers.

Microsoft 365 login screen:

Local login screen:

The login screen will be defaulted to show the local picture window vs M365. Folks can still switch anytime using the Switch Login Window option on the bottom of the screen.


** As macOS 12 will be falling out of support at the end of the 2023 year, this login screen will only be for macOS 13 and 14 (once released) currently. **

Known Issues:

  • Kerberos tickets at login take some time to init after a login

  • Unable to join MWireless network (WPA2 Enterprise) with Configure Wifi option at the moment

  • M365 Azure login window might load faster then the network, click refresh in the bottom right to try the network connection again, or use the local login screen.

  • Sign in with an Active Directory account (by adding @umich.edu to the end) once the account has sync’d to Azure with these steps here.