Change your M1/M2 Account Password
M1 & M2 account passwords will need to be changed every 180 days. When a password expires, users will be prompted to reset the password the next time they attempt to log into a computer or server:
This error will appear when trying to launch an app as a different user (using an M1 account with an expired password):
NOTE: At this time, you must use a MiWorkspace Windows computer to reset the account password(s).
If the computer is off-campus, verify that the Cisco Management Tunnel connection is active before proceeding.
If currently logged in with your uniqname account, sign out, then log into your MiWorkspace admin account.
You will be prompted to reset the password; Follow the on-screen prompts to reset it:
Enter your current/old password, create/confirm a new one, and press Enter or the → button.
If the new password meets security requirements & is successfully reset, you should be presented with this screen:
Additional Information:
Domain account password expiration dates can be queried by running the following PowerShell command, using any domain account (no elevation required). Replace username with the uniqname or service account name:Get-ADUser -Identity username -Properties "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed" | Select-Object -Property Name, @{Name = "PasswordExpiryDate"; Expression = { [datetime]::FromFileTime($_."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed") } }