How to change computer hostname without re-imaging

How to change computer hostname without re-imaging

Changing the Windows computer name of a MiWorkspace or Windows Platform as a Service device should be avoided if possible. Because the computer name is tied to records in Active Directory and Otto, name changes are discouraged. However, there are situations when a name change is required. This document describes the steps to successfully change the computer name.


Regardless of whether you decide to fully rebuild or just proceed with the renaming a computer, the Otto record will need to match the actual hostname of the device you want to rename.

  1. Locate the device record in Otto that matches the serial number of the computer. Verify that the computer name in Otto matches the current AD computer name for the device for which you plan to change the name.

  2. Next, verify that you have the password for the local administrator account, and confirm that the password works. You can retrieve the local administrator password from Active Directory by following the procedures for the Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS). Alternatively, you can create a new local administrator account being sure to note the password which you will need later.

  3. In Otto. retire the machine, checking the boxes to delete it from everything (AD/MDT/SCCM/Azure).

  4. Log into the machine locally, using either the LAPS .\wkst_admin account or the local admin account you created.

  5. Using the System control panel, remove the device from the domain and add the device to a new workgroup. You will be prompted to restart.

  6. In Otto, locate retired device entry, using the same serial number. Make the retired device active and edit the Custom name without prefix to the new name you plan to set for the device. For readability, it’s best to enter the name in ALL CAPS.

  7. Prestage the device. This will create a new computer account in Active Directory using the name you just configured in Otto.

  8. Once is prestaging is completed, use the System control panel to the rename the device to the new name that you configured in Otto. When completing the rename operation, you should also specify adsroot.itcs.umich.edu as the domain to which the computer should be joined. You will be prompted to use an UMROOT account that has permissions to join computers to the domain. Typically, this will be your OU admin account. You will be prompted restart.

  9. Following the restart, confirm that you can sign on to the device with a domain account.


NOTE: It is only recommended to rename the computer account when the device is on-campus and connected to a wired network that has connectivity to the UMROOT Active Directory domain controllers.


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