Removing Mac self-service applications

Removing Mac self-service applications

Managed Software Center gives users the ability to self-install applications. Removing a self-service application requires a pending update for that specific application to be showing in MSC.

  1. Remove the application that is no longer needed from the /Applications folder on the Mac. Some applications may have an official 'uninstaller' that will remove additional components.
  2. Once the application has been removed, launch Managed Software Center on the mac and allow it to finish checking for updates. MSC will begin to download the previously deleted application.
  3. After all updates have been downloaded, navigate to the 'My Items' or 'Updates' portion of MSC. Click the 'Cancel' button next to the application update that is no longer needed.
  4. MSC will immediatly begin to check for updates once again.
  5. After MSC has finished checking for updates, the application should no longer be listed as a 'pending update,' and will not be updated in the future.