New Unit Implementation Outline

New Unit Implementation Outline

This page outlines the high-level steps to implement Windows Platform as a Service (PaaS) in a new unit.


  1. Plan and Configure Active Directory
    • Each unit utilizing Windows Platform as a Service must have a unit prefix registered in the UMROOT Active Directory forest. The unit Active Directory prefix should be used to name Active Directory objects such as computers, groups, and group policy objects.
    • See WPaaS Active Directory Considerations for information.
  2. Identify Administrators
    • Administrative users for the following roles must be identified.
      • Build Managers - Members of the EUC-PaaS-BuildMgrs groups can deploy software and can manage operating system builds using the Otto tool.
      • OUAdmins - Members of the EUC-PaaS-OUAdmins groups can create, edit, and link group policy objects in the PaaS organizational units (OU's) in Active Directory.
      • Workstation Admins - Members of the EUC-PaaS-Admins groups have administrator access to all of a unit's Windows PaaS workstations.
  3. Identify Users
    • Prior to implementation, the end users of the PaaS unit should be identified.
    • End user Active Directory accounts that are members of the EUC-PaaS-Catalog-Users group can install software via self-service using the Software Center application.
  4. Identify Computers
  5. Identify Software
    • Identify required applications and compare with catalog software list.
    • Determine Windows 10 application compatibility.
    • Request software packaging for required applications.
    • Identify combinations of software that should be combined in a build.
  6. Identify Special Configurations
    • Identify specialized configurations (drive mappings, system settings, security configs, etc...) and plan implementation approach (group policy, logon script, etc ...)


  1. Create Software Builds For Computers Using Otto.
  2. Pre-Stage Computers Using Otto.
  3. Build Computers Using SCCM Operating System Deployment (OSD).
  4. Deploy Applications to Computers Using Otto.
  5. Install Applications Using Software Center


  1. Create and Manage Group Policy Objects With Group Policy Management Console.
  2. Apply Configurations to Computers Using Otto.

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