Add Windows Autopilot HW ID From OOBE Screen
This article describes the process of adding the Autopilot hardware identifier from the Windows Out of Box Experience (OOBE) screen. The instructions are intended for use by ITS staff who have an Azure Active Directory (AAD) account with the required permission in Microsoft Intune.
The hardware identifier must be loaded in the Umich AAD tenant in order for Autopilot to be used for new device deployment.
When To Use These Instructions
These instructions should be used when you need to add Autopilot hardware information to Azure for a device that did not have this information added by the vendor. Usually, you will be directed to follow these instructions in a Team Dynamics request or by MiWorkspace Engineering Team members.
In order to use these instructions, you will need the following:
An AAD user account with permissions to add device registration information. These accounts can be obtained NIT or Depot staff by contacting the MiWorkspace Engineering Team.
A device that is at the OOBE screen. The OOBE screen is the guided setup screen that loads when a new Windows device is set up for the first time.
A wired or wireless network connection with access to the Internet.
Boot the device to the OOBE experience screen. When prompted, connect to the device to a wired or wireless network. In order to run from the OOBE experience screen the device must be reset. The reset can be accomplished by running Settings > Update and Security > Recovery > Reset this PC.
After connecting the device to a network, a OOBE experience screen to accept the Windows license agreement will appear. When this screen appears, press Shift-F10 to open a command promopt.
Install the AutopilotOOBE PowerShell Module:
From the command prompt, run
From the PowerShell prompt, run
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
Install-Module AutopilotOOBE -Force
Note that the installation of the module requires the NuGet provider and you will be prompted to approve loading the provider. When prompted to approve, click “Y”Run
Import-Module AutopilotOOBE -Force
to load the AutopilotOOBE module.
Launch AutopilotOOBE by running
. This will cause a couple of PowerShell Windows to load and it will open AutopilotOOBE GUI. The PowerShell windows are used for logging and troubleshooting and are usually not used, but they should not be closed.In the GUI, you should see a form titled “Autopilot Manual Registration”
For GroupTag, enter “ITS”. Leave AddToGroup and AssignedUser blank. The AssignedComputerName should show “Azure AD Join Only”. The PostAction menu should be set to “Quit”. The option for “Assign: Wait for Intune to assign an Autopilot profile for this device” should be left unchecked.
Click the Register button to start the registration process.
When the registration process starts, PowerShell will install the Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo script will be installed from the PowerShell Gallery and the Autopilot info will be formatted for upload to Azure. In order for the info to be imported into our Azure tenant, you will be prompted to authenticate with your Azure AD account. After successful authentication, it may take several minutes for the Autopilot info to be processed.
Helpful Tips
GUI Is Unusable Due to Screen Resolution
If you can’t read the entire AutopilotOOBE GUI due to low screen resolution, you can try to adjust the display resolution. You can either run the Show Windows Settings command from the GUI or you can launch Windows Settings from the command prompt. At the command prompt run Start MS-Settings:
. In the Windows Settings, select System and then Display to change the screen resolution,
GUI Is Lost Behind the OOBE Screen
If you click on the OOBE experience screens, it’s possible for the AutopilotOOBE GUI to be sent to the background behind the OOBE screen. To switch back the GUI, use Alt-Tab on the keyboard.