Account Provisioning/Deprovisioning Process

Account Provisioning/Deprovisioning Process

New accounts

Newly-provisioned Desktop Backup accounts must start an active backup within 90 days from their creation date or their entitlement will expire. Unit requestors can ask that a customer be provisioned again once they are ready to begin using the service by submitting an ITS-Desktop Backup (CrashPlan) Request Modification form

Inactive accounts 

Subscribed faculty and staff with one or more archives but no device being actively backed up will be considered inactive within the service after 12 months. Unit requestors may check inactive account status using the CrashPlanner Inactive Users dashboard. Archives associated with accounts that reach inactive status will be deleted after 90 days to align with the standard deprovisioning window.  

Account requests and access 

Desktop Backup is requested at the unit level for those not supported by MiWorkspace. Unit staff acting as a Desktop Backup requester should be members of the appropriate unit requester subgroup to avoid delay in request fulfillment. 

Accounts may archive up to four devices 

There is a limit of four backup archives per account in CrashPlan. ITS will be working closely with units to identify active accounts that have exceeded the four-archive limit.

Leaving the University 

When an individual with an ITS Desktop Backup subscription leaves the University, their Desktop Backup account will become inaccessible on the date their role changes from active to a non-Emeritus status. Archives will remain active for 90 days, after which they will be deleted to align with the standard deprovisioning window. It is recommended that faculty and staff review and delete unneeded archives before leaving the University.

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