QuickStart Push Software & Configurations

See QuickStart: Find or Pair New System to Otto to find or pair a system.

Once you've located or paired your system, you can take action on that system on the System page.  At the top of the System page there are a list of available actions depending on your role.  

To push software or a configuration to a machine, click Packages or Configurations.


Browse for a package or Search for one

Click Add on the appropriate title to initiate the deployment process.

  • You don't need to refresh the page, Otto will automatically refresh the page during the deployment process.
  • The group membership will appear in the Active Directory Object card once the system has synched this information from Active Directory (which can take up to 45 seconds or more).
  • Once the addition is confirmed the system will usually be ready to install the application within 15-30 minutes (due to Ottomate's speeder-upper job below), but some applications require the user to logout.
  • Otto asks Ottomate (our helper service) to attempt to speed up some SCCM operations, including a collection update for the package you just pushed, and triggering hardware inventory on the system.   This process can take several minutes.  Otto will send the tech a 1-1 Slack message when complete, and it will also send in an External Event for the system which can be viewed with the Events link under actions.  When these two steps are successful, SCCM should be able to enforce the package.  However other conditions of SCCM (previously queued updates, poor network speed, WMI or SCCM client issues) as well as logout-requirements can delay installation.