What's new in CrashPlanner

Latest update of Crashpalnner has added quite a bunch of features requested to make Code42 user / computer management in your org easier. Everything can be found on the top bar. Lets get started with the updates:

  1. Users and Computers sync as you click on their page from a search so that you are viewing what the console knows about that user and their computers.

  2. Flagging users as VIP so you can get separate emails on their status and see all these users and computers in one view under the Organization tab. Looking up a user from search, you can click edit and flag them a VIP like below.

  3. Archives can now be set so they can not be deactivated by accident should a user want to hold onto it for a while longer. Computer records that are flagged as Archive do not show up in your weekly status emails.

  4. Along with setting an archive flag, you can leave a note on each backup with more info.

  5. Backup status is its own section on the bottom to quickly know the status of the backup.

  6. A users view quickly shows how many computers are active / inactive right at the top. Inactive systems are grouped at the bottom for historical info.


The other area with major upgrade is Reporting in your Orginization.

  1. New report for VIP users all in one page

  2. Computers with the Archived flag are not included in weekly emails anymore.

  3. Users who have not backed up anything in the last year so you better see who to deactivate.

  4. Shortcodes become inactive for various reasons so now you can see who does not have one assigned.

  5. User backups paths are now in their own report so you can quickly glance at paths to make sure folks are backing up proper folders and not the root of the HD.

  6. Lastly, we show you how the overnight user sync went so that you know you are looking at the most recent data from the Code42 Crashplan Console.