Creating and Configuring A Group
In Otto, systems belong to Groups. Groups can be created from your Organization’s page.
Click New Group, and then complete the form that displays.
Name: Name or rename the group whenever you like.
Windows 10 Destination OU: Otto presents you with an Active Directory browser that lets you select any OU under your Organization’s OU. This OU is where Otto places the system when the task sequence is applied. Changing this will not affect any existing systems. It only matters when the task sequence is applied.
Organization: The organization to which the group belongs.
Deprecated: Allows you to mark a group that should no longer be used for new builds. It has no other effect.
Successor Group: Allows you to define where customer systems should transition to when systems are Duplicated, Transferred, or Refreshed. When duplicating, transferring, or refreshing a system in a group that has a successor group, Otto automatically selects the successor group as the group for the new system.
Refresh OUs: When selecting a Destination OU, Otto scans Active Directory and caches the OU structure every few hours. If you’ve just recently created a new sub-OU and it doesn’t appear in the drop-down menu, click this button to ask Otto to re-scan.
Package and Configuration Selections
Organization Administrators can add package and configuration selections to groups by using the Actions on the group’s page.
Note: A group’s package and configuration selections are only applied to systems that are prestaged after the group has been configured with them. It does not apply the new packages or configurations to existing systems in the group. To apply the packages or configurations to existing systems in the group, use the group’s bulk system functionality on the right-side of the group page as described in Bulk Actions on Systems.
Other Actions that can be taken on groups include:
Destroy: Allows you to destroy a group, but you can only destroy a group that has zero systems.
Duplicate Group: Duplicates a group including all of its package and configuration selections, which you can then edit as much as needed.
CSV Report: Downloads a CSV file of the group’s systems.
Compare org’s Groups: Displays a special view that lists all of the organization’s groups side-by side with draggable columns. When your organization has many groups, this view is useful to compare and contrast them.
Audits: Displays a log of all of the changes that the group has undergone.