[Draft] Depot Windows Builds
Take Responsibility in TeamDynamix for the pertinent Build tasks
Prestaging and Pairing Windows Machines
Start by performing a search for the machine by serial number or MIWS asset number in Otto. If the machine has been paired in the system it will appear in the search results and a hyperlink to the machine’s Otto page will be displayed along with the group that it is currently paired with. Click on the hyperlink to navigate to the machine’s Otto page.
Otto Refresh machines will have been automatically pre-staged by Otto, but double check that this has occurred without errors, and that the pre-stage hasn’t expired
If you need to change the group that the machine is paired with, click on the More Actions drop-down menu and select Edit System. Select the desired group from the drop-down menu and then click the blue [Update System] button.
When you have confirmed the correct group pairing, click Prestage: Next.
Otto will choose Windows 11 as the default prestage OS. This should only be changed if otherwise specified and/or approved in the TDx ticket.
Leave the default checkboxes checked.
Click the blue [Prestage] button and confirm the pop-up message. Once Otto has confirmed that the prestaging process has completed, the machine is ready to be powered on and built.
If the machine has not been previously paired in Otto and doesn’t appear in a search, follow the directions below to pair as a new system:
Build Process
Plug the machine into both AC power and Ethernet. Use the native ethernet input whenever possible. If the machine does not have native input, a network adapter should be used.
This KB published by MiWorkspace Windows Engineering details the certified network adapters.
Insert the USB flashdrive with the boot media (hereafter referred to as “Build Stick”) into the machine.
You may need additional adapters to provide the all the necessary ports.
Turn on the machine and get to the boot menu:
HP | Dell | Lenovo | Microsoft |
Press the F9 key repeatedly | Press the F12 key repeatedly | Press F12 when you see the Lenovo logo | Hold [volume down] key and then tap the power button once |
Select the Build Media from the boot menu.
Once loaded into the media, check for an IP address to confirm the network connection
Open Command Prompt by [Fn]+[F8] on laptops and just [F8] on desktops
Type “diskpart” and hit [Enter], once it loads type “list disk” and hit [Enter], then type “select disk 0” and hit [Enter], then type “clean” and hit [Enter], and type “exit” and hit [Enter], then type “exit” and hit [Enter] one final time which will exit the command line
if disk 0 is the boot media instead of the hard drive, try “select disk 1”
Click [Next] back on the Build Media
Select the Task Sequence version with the prefix of “zz”
Let the Task Sequence commence
Log into the machine with your M1 account
Open the boot stick drive in Windows Explorer and run buildvalidator.exe
If there are errors, record them and relay to Windows Engineering in Slack for next steps
Update TeamDynamix ticket tasks to reflect a successful build or issues encountered
Commonly Build/Deliver tasks are combined into one so do not mark complete until the delivery has been completed in these cases
Rename the Ticket Title to reflect the NIT neighborhood and office where the machine needs to be delivered to - per the Neighborhoods document
Create a Depot Delivery Sheet that includes the Ticket number, Task number, destination, list of all pieces to be delivered, and include any asset tag numbers. Print 2 copies.
Place the computer, any peripherals, and the delivery sheets together on the delivery shelves