Versions Compared


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IMPORTANT NOTE: This article only applies to systems that are on macOS 12.3.0/12.3.1 – it is not applicable for anything on 12.4 (or later) as the bug related to this was fixed in 12.4 (so update your bootsticks if you are using 12.3.x bootsticks!)

On the first login to a Monterey 12.3 (or later12.3.1) mac – either clean install or OS upgrade – when on the campus network or at home and connected to the VPN - users will be presented with the following dialog box to “sign in” to ADSROOT:


However: If your user did not deselect the “Sign in automatically” option, the next time they log out (or reboot) and reconnect to the campus network, the first dialog box will come up again. They will need to uncheck the “Sign in automatically” checkmark and enter their username/password again to get the “Yes/No” dialog box and select that.“Yes” there. (The “Yes/No” dialog box is key to making this work correctly!)

LASTLY: if these boxes keep coming up at login after the user has gone through them all once with “Sign in automatically” unchecked – this means that there is some problem with the user’s Active Directory password.
