Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Please note: only the most current versions of applications in Managed Software Center are verified for compatibility.

We do not have the ability to check every feature in every application. If you have a critical application, we recommend getting clarification from that app’s vendor.

New behaviors in Sequoia (macOS 15)


  • Applications may ask you to grant the ability to “access data from other apps.” MATLAB, SnagIt, Zoom and Zotero may show this alert when first launched.

  • Applications that need to use older “Screen & System Audio Recording” APIs, including Zoom and Camtasia, may trigger an alert asking you to grant the app the ability to record the screen and/or microphone This grant only lasts one month, and it cannot set it permanently.

  • Loading a computer from scratch will show a “Welcome To Mac” screen before you can log in the first time.



Please note: only the most current versions of applications in Managed Software Center are verified for compatibility.

We do not have the ability to check every feature in every application. If you have a critical application, we recommend getting clarification from that app’s vendor.

  • ChemDraw does not currently license on a clean install of Sequoia.

  • The “Omni” family of applications - OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, etc - may alert you that they are not certified for macOS 15, however we’ve seen no problems.
