The Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) can be accessed in 3 ways:
Contact Tier 3 in the #its-miworkspace-win-tier3 Slack channel
Open a Powershell window as your PaaS workstation admin account.
Run the following command:Code Block Get-LapsADPassword -Identity <computer name>
Launch ADUC using your PaaS OUAdmin account on any Server OS version 2019 or newer, Win 10 22H2, or any Win 11 machine joined to the UMROOT domain.
The euc-admints02.adsroot.itcs.umich.edu terminal server, which can be accessed using your PaaS OUAdmin account, can be used for this purpose.
The LAPS content and functionality, which used to be in LAPS UI, is now available in the LAPS tab of the AD computer object properties.