Customers are emailed and invited to visit a customized web page. The Customers screen invites Customers to walk the Refresh Wizard to confirm their location, address, device, peripherals, and software information.
Approvers are provided an interface to approve refresh tickets and are reminded weekly of their unit’s refresh tickets. Approvers are defined on a refresh ticket’s Refresh Config. Once a refresh ticket is approved, MiWorkspace staff order and prepare the equipment. What happens next is up to how the refresh ticket is configured.
There are a variety of styles and options that guide the behavior of each refresh ticket.
Can Customize Computer: Without this, the customer is merely notified of which device has been selected for them (the proposed model). With this enabled, the customer is allowed to pick a different device from a list of all approved models for their organizationrefresh config, and they may also indicate that none of the available models in the list are adequate.
Can Customize Computer Platform: When enabled, this feature also allows the customer to select systems of a different platform than their Proposed Model.
Can Request Different Device: If Can Customize Computer is disabled, this allows customers to indicate that the proposed model is inadequate.
Can Customize Peripherals: Allows the customer to select any approved peripheral for their organization. This also allows them to modify any peripheral bundle items. If this is not enabled, they simple see any items from their peripheral bundle displayed.
Can Customize Software: Allows the customer to request specific pieces of software from a curated catalog.
Every Otto ticket creates a corresponding TDX ticket and tasks. Each Refresh Ticket links to its TDX ticket.
If a refresh ticket’s day1 must be rescheduled, Otto allows you to Trigger a Customer Reschedule, or directly assign a new schedule slot. When this happens, Otto updates its TDX ticket and tasks, and emails the customer with a new appointment reminder.
Approvers are configured on a Refresh Config. Approvers are emailed every Friday morning with a status report of all of the refresh tickets they are Approvers for.
Approvers may edit refresh tickets until they are pending_ordering and may submit TDX change requests for tickets once they are pending_ordering or later
Approvers are required to approve tickets that require approval
Refresh Tickets that do not require approval advance automatically
Replacement Windows systems are automatically prestaged and Otto closes the TDX prestage task.
Otto Emails the Mac Engineering team each time a Mac replacement system for @home is assigned for MDM setup.
The emails Otto sends to a customer are logged on the Refresh Ticket. The Audits track the lifecycle of Otto properties, the Events track changes made to TDX and other external sources.
Otto sends a Slack message to a refresh ticket’s support team when the TDX ticket is created for on-prem tickets.