Versions Compared


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Primary: User’s primary machine.

Dedicated: Used by only one person, but is not their primary device.

Shared: Machine is shared by more than one user - should be assigned to the responsible supervisor.

Loaner: Part of a loaner pool for temporary assignment to users.

Kiosk: Specialized machine with a custom loadset (e.g., timeclock PCs attached to a card swiper).

Lab: Used at for academic research or lab work - usually assigned to a professor or lab manager.

Digital Sign: This is a Digital Signage workstation attached to a large display in a common area

Business Service

MiWorkspace - Managed: Machine MWS-imaged and managed by MiWorkspace.

MiWorkspace - Unmanaged: Unit subscribes to MiWorkspace, but the machine was not, or cannot be MWS-imaged.

Digital Signage: Digital signage computer managed by the ITS Digital Sign team, but may be supported by MiWorkspace if the owning unit subscribes.

Campus Computing Sites: Computer lab machine managed by the ITS Sites team.

PCI: Payment Card Industries - machine managed by a specialized Engineering group to handle payments.

Unit Managed: Unit has sole responsibility for the support of this machine - NIT is not involved.

Last Inventoried

Used to indicate when an NIT member last saw this machine physically - input using this format: 

“MM/YY-uniqname” (e.g., 07/20-knemchik)


Often includes the original ticket number where the machine was purchased, but is a multi-line freeform field that can hold any helpful information necessary. Use as needed but be careful about deleting any data from this field.
